The Second Chance Law When we talk about the. Second Chance Law we are referring to a legal procedure through. Which it is possible to cancel debts to individuals in a situation of insolvency . This is a law design so that individuals and self-employ people who do. Not have the possibility of meeting their payment obligations can completely or partially eliminate their debts. This will give them a new opportunity to start from scratch. To benefit from the Second Chance Law, it will be necessary to meet a series of requirements . This is a procedure regulat by Law on the second chance mechanism and reduction of financial burden. Who has the possibility of benefiting from the Second Chance Law? The Second Chance Law is, fundamentally, at private citizens and the self-employ. The conditions or requirements that must be met in order to begin the process are the following.
The debts that the Second Chance Law allows you to cancel
The reality is that, through the Second Chance Law, it is possible to cancel a large amount of debts, however, there are also some exceptions to this mechanism. Among the debts that can be eliminat with the Second Chance are France Email List those deriv from: personal loans, microcredits, credit cards, invoices, suppliers, among others. On the other hand, it is necessary to highlight that since the last reform of this law, it is possible to cancel debts with Social Security and the Treasury , with a limit of , euros for each of these organizations. This means that it is possible to relieve up to , euros in total with the two administrations. Debts that cannot be canceled with the Second Chance Law As we already mentione there are certain exceptions to the debts that can be cancel with the Second Chance Law. These are the debts that appear in article of Law, of September : Debts for non-contractual civil liability, for death or personal injury, and compensation from work accidents and professional illnesses.
Is it possible to cancel mortgage debt with the Second Chance Law?
The debt for non-payment of the mortgage is not within the scope of the Second Chance Law. However, the reality is that it is possible to cancel, through this mechanism. The remaining debt if, once the home has been foreclos. It has not Vietnam WhatsApp Number List been possible to obtain the money necessary to pay off the debt in its entirety. Debts for public law credits. However, debts whose collection management is the responsibility of the Tax Agency may be exempt up to , euros. For the first , euros of debt the exoneration will be complete. And from this figure onwards the exoneration will be of the debt up to the maximum indicat . In the same way, debts for Social Security credits may be exonerat for the same amount and under the same conditions. Debts for fines from convictions in criminal proceedings and for serious administrative sanctions. Debts for legal costs and expenses deriv from the processing of the exemption request.