Without a doubt, the situation in the real estate market is currently very complicat . The rise in rates, the Euribor difficult for the situation and inflation have made accessing a mortgage increasingly complicat. However, this did not affect all age groups in the same way. Here we will tell you how it has affect each age group and why the youngest are the most affect. Drop of points in the group of young people between and years old Young people between and years old are the most active in the. Real estate market in and are also the majority in interactions with the purchase and rental markets . However, there is a sharp drop if we compare it with last year’s numbers . So, this year, of Spaniards between and years old have carried out actions in the real estate market, this is nine percentage points less than a year ago . In , of young people were participating in the real estate market.
The situation of the youngest
While it is true that young people continue to be the most active in the real estate market, the economic situation has affect them significantly . Without a doubt, the high rental prices and the difficulty of accessing Hong Kong WhatsApp Number Data financing for the purchase mean that those under years of age are the most affect and the first to be left out of the market. If we take into account that it is common for young people to have precarious, temporary and unstable working conditions, we understand why it is difficult for them to access a mortgage today. All this causes them to choose to share a flat or, directly, extend the age of emancipation. This allows us to see that inflation and rate increases affect all groups when acting in the real estate market.
The fall in home sales
If we analyze the buying and selling activity specifically, we can notice that the behavior in recent months. Was disparate depending on the different age groups. In the face of a general decline, the participation in. The home ownership market of those between and years old has increas. In this case, the buying and selling actions. Both supply and demand, went from China Phone Number List in August to in. February This allows us to see a recovery of what was lost in the first half of , given that In February of this year the percentage reach . However, we must clarify that this age group is the exception. In the other groups, decreases can be seen. Mainly between and years old (they went from participation in. February to a year later) and between and years old (from to in the same period of time). The tightening of the requirements to access a mortgage is affecting those under years of age more than between and years of age.