Content formats some common formats include

Here is the estimate organic search traffic for one of our pages before and after search intent alignment. Search intent optimize results to determine search intent. Look at the top results on google and identify the three cs of search intent: content types what are the dominant content types? Is it a blog post. A product page. A video. Or some other type of content? Content formats some common formats include how-tos. Listicles. Reviews. Comparisons. Etc. Content angle high ranking points for unique selling points such as “the best”. “cheapest”. “for beginners” etc. Provides insights into what searchers value in a specific search. For example. Most of the top-ranking pages for the keyword avocado see are blog posts that serve as guides for growing avocado sees.

Comprehensive coverage of your topic

 Using the “simple” and “easy” angles indicates that Italy WhatsApp Number Data the searcher is a beginner looking for concise advice. Intent to dominate on search engine results pages further reading what is the search intent? Complete guide for beginners  if your content covers relevant subtopics. It’s more likely to match searchers’ expectations. In addition. It can rank for more relevant keywords and thus get more traffic. A good place to look for leads is on top-ranking pages. You can manually look for commonalities between them. Such as titles. Faqs. Visual aids. And depth of coverage of the topic. For example. Some of the top-ranking pages for “how to save money” mention canceling some subscriptions. Find relate subtopics on top-ranking pages find relate subtopics on top-ranking pages you can also use an seo tool like ahrefs.

Select pages for content gap analysis

 Which will show you the keywords use Singapore Whatsapp Number List by the top-ranking pages. Some of these keywords make good subtopics or points to include in your content. Here’s what to do: enter your main keywords into ahrefs’ keyword analysis tool scroll to the serp overview and select a few top-ranking pages click ” open in ” and select content gap opportunity  when you see a list of common keywords. They are clues to what information searchers are looking for. For example. For the query “Content marketing.” a searcher may want to know its definition and seek actionable advice on developing their own strategy or plan. Common keywords found in top-ranking pages (content gap analysis) if you are optimizing an already existing page.

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