Dental applications for patients and dentists

Nowadays no one leaves home without their cell phone in their pocket. Smartphones are an essential element of our lives and the countless. Apps available have turned them into a kind of virtual advisors. There are apps for exercising, for listening to music, for organizing your daily life. And of course also apps related to dentistry, which can be of great help to dentists and patients.

Dental app for patients
dental expert

An app designed to resolve the most frequent questions about dental care. The application is quite complete, the only drawbacks are that it is in English. And that at the moment it can only be found in the iTunes store there is no version for Android phones.

We review some of the most useful and curious dental apps

According to statistics, most people do not brush their teeth correctly. Apps like Toohbrush Timer guide the user during the brushing process. Indicating the call lists area to brush and the time you should dedicate in each case.

Dee is a virtual pet with a peculiarity: it is a baby tooth. With Dee, the little ones in the house will learn a lot of things about oral health and the importance of taking good care of their teeth.

This application displays a complete gallery of three-dimensional images of teeth. These images are accompanied by abundant information, which makes it a very useful app for patients, professionals and students.

Do you know any other app that deserves to be on our list

Dental applications for dentists
As for apps for dentists, the options are also varied, although if you prefer to control all aspects of your clinic from a single application we recommend using Clinic Cloud.

Our dental clinic management software is among the most valued by dentists. Being in the cloud, you can use it as a desktop program on your computer or as an app on your mobile or tablet but without having to install anything. It also has specific modules for dentists such as the odontogram.

At a training level, we find the BO Leads Dentistry IQ app , through which dentists can access the best content on dentistry. Which ones do you usually use? Present it to us in the comments.

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