Follow without looking at the objectives

How many times do you follow someone on your social networks just because they followed you? How many times do you follow someone because they are a Reference or Famous, without caring if that person is really going to relate to you? Today, I don’t bring you the typical post on how to get followers. Follow without I am writing to you about a topic that I have been thinking about for quite some time, Follow by Follow , about the need to really know who should be part of your online community. I’ll tell you my point of view on this topic.

I suppose it has

Happened to all of us, starting with a profile on Twitter or Facebook and following many people. Some References or experts in the sector in which we want to position company data ourselves, others “famous”, some others from different languages, etc. Then after a few months, we realize that we have filled our community with people who have never given us a “like” or a thank you, if you have ever shared something of theirs, a RT or commented on something of ours…And you ask yourself the question Am I really following the right people ? Those to whom my content could add value or generate interest? Many argue that the Internet community is not important in managing a Personal Brand, but only one more step in your value proposition.

Follow without community

That is really interested in your content and what you offer. Them is essential if you want your brand to be known. I ask, if you have an attractive and BO Leads quality proposal. Well-defined objectives and you know the goals you want to achieve. But no one knows it, what good is it? Having a quality community. Is not having many followers, following or interacting with references. And then taking photos at events and posting them on your social networks so that others see that you interact with the “gurus” of the sector. 

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