How to organize a medical conference step by step

A congress is “a conference, generally periodic, in which the members of an association, body, organization, profession, etc., meet to debate previously established issues.” In the case of medical conferences, these issues revolve around health.

Although these conferences are usually organiz by medical societies or companies in the healthcare sector, a private clinic can also organize its own conference and it is an excellent way to make itself known. Below, we give you some tips to make it possible.

Organizing a conference is not something that is done overnight. Experts say that it takes at least 6 months, taking into account that advance notice always guarantees a greater influx.

Steps to organize a medical conference

The first step is obvious: define the theme of the congress. Obviously it will have to be within your field of action, but from there the topic can be as open cell phone lists or closed as you wish. For example, a dental clinic could organize a conference on something as generic as children’s oral health or something as specific as periodontal disease in children aged 1 to 2 years.

When choosing a date, check the calendar so that it does not coincide with other related conferences.

Once the date and topic have been chosen, it is time to select the speakers. It can be the staff of the clinic itself, but it is also advisable to include some other external professional preferably with some renown to give more relevance to the congress. Many speakers will be happy to participate in such an event, but may ask for some type of financial incentive to do so.

This all means time and also money

Simultaneously, the agenda must be divid into thematic sessions and the time allocated to the topics must be specifi. Completing the agenda should be a priority so that potential speakers do not commit to other activities.

So you may want to look into some type of sponsorship. Get in touch with several companies in the health sector and present your idea to them. The key thing to keep in mind is that sponsors and their values ​​must align with the theme of the conference.

Medical conferences are at the heart of the BO Leads professional lives of healthcare specialists, providing an invaluable opportunity to learn, network and explore new ideas. If you have the opportunity to go to one of them or even get involv in their organization, don’t pass it up.

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