How to overcome fear of the dentist tips for odontophobia

One of the great concerns of those who need to go to the dentist is knowing how to overcome the fear that many patients have of sitting in the dreaded chair at the dental clinic.

Don’t worry about it, it is something very widespread: in the United Kingdom, one in four people fears visiting the dentist due to this phobia that affects not only children and that makes many people avoid going to the dental clinic for years .

Dental phobia is something that many specialists in this field struggle with and causes many of them to try to eliminate the general image that is held about them to attract the most fearful people to their centers.

Surely you have rarely stopped to think if this fear had already coined a term that defines it. In something that is so widespread, it is normal that this expression does exist; In this case, we can talk about odontophobia.

Fear of the dentist and anesthesia

To overcome it, there is cognitive behavioral therapy, which is a short-term process, usually lasting between six and ten sessions, that call lists for sale treats a variety of psychological problems and disorders related to anxiety.

This is one of the elements inherent to dental activity that causes so much suspicion in the most fearful public. Furthermore, anesthesia and the fear of it extends to other clinical fields due to what this product generates and the uncertainty of what will happen during the activity that will require the attributes of sedation.

The main reason for this fear, according to the majority of patients with this problem, is that human error could trigger some type of damage to the mouth.

Tips to overcome fear of the dentist

Therefore, it is advisable to try to overcome this fear to ensure optimal dental and oral health.

Some of the recommendations to treat it are the following:

Choose an appointment first thing in the morning: this way you won’t give your mind time to think about it and generate more prior anxiety.
Try not to arrive early: staying in the waiting room for too long contributes to greater stress due to hearing sounds or smells that you don’t like.
Agree on a signal with the specialist: it is important to have a gestural signal that your doctor knows to know if you feel uncomfortable in any part of the BO Leads activity you perform.
Relaxing music helps: you can take headphones to listen to this type of music and thus relax and distract yourself during the dentist’s work.

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