I know but it is not knowing in the true sense

Therefore many people say I know these but in fact this knowing is often not true knowing. There are three levels of knowing the first level of knowing is knowing that stays in language and words. When we read a book we know the content. This can be calle I know but it is not knowing in the true sense. At a deeper level we may be able to draw a mind map to summarize what we have learne and form a system. This seems to be a very good knowing but it is still the first level. The second level of knowing is the knowing that cuts through the skin. When we have personal experience with the content mentione in the book we have a strong resonance even a soul resonance.

Because only through action the

 This kind of knowing is slightly deeper than Italy Phone Number Data the first level of knowing. But it still doesnt count as true knowing. The third level of knowing is the knowing of unity of knowlege and action. The third level of knowing is equal to doing.  downtoearth practice of what is understood by your brain and the knowlege obtaine through physical practice is the true knowlege. Although I have known for a long time that health is the most important thing and I should exercise. But I didnt do that. It wasnt until I got sick that I realize the importance of physical exercise. At that time I had a knowlege on a skintoskin level. But I still didnt do it.

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I already set aside part of my 

 It wasnt until I understood the principle of Philippine Phone Number list  unity of knowlege and action that I completely and completely transforme the knowlege in my mind into knowlege in action. Therefore when I said health is the most important thing later on  day for exercise instead of just knowing but not taking action like before. At this time the two became one thing. The moment I know I was already doing. This is the true unity of knowlege and action. If we cannot truly put into practice the knowlege theories and methods learne in books and classes then Moveyou only saw the moment of the explosion but you didnt see the accumulation day after day so you will be very shocke.



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