In the next ten years or so the huns never

After gaining a small victory the xiongnu underestimate the enemy even more so chanyu the leader of the xiongnu le a large number of troops to invade. Unexpectely he happene to fall into the encirclement of li mus strange soldiers. Finally in this battle li mu defeate 100000 xiongnu cavalry in one fell swoop and chanyu fle in despair. In the next ten years or so the huns never dare to approach the border of zhao again and li mu decide to fight. At this point I would like to ask you who are reading this article what inspirations have you obtaine from this story 1. Li mu has been waiting for an opportunity waiting for the opportunity when the huns soldiers relax thinking that he will not fight again and the morale of his soldiers will be booste.

achieving what military strategists

When li mu waite for the opportunity he did not Indonesia Phone Number Data wait in vain. On the contrary he traine his troops very closely even busier than fighting. 3. Every time li mu did not play it would be several years. 4. Li mu defeate the huns 100000 cavalry in just one battle preventing the huns from invading the zhao border again for more than ten years  battle. 02 during the spring and autumn period duke mu of qin aske uncle jian how can I dominate the world uncle jian said those who dominate the world have three precepts dont be greey dont be angry and dont be anxious. Gree will lead to many losses anger will lead to many difficulties and eagerness will lead to many setbacks.

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I have fallen and the fall was quite hard

 Uncle jian means those who can dominate the Lebanon Phone Number List  world must have three precepts abstain from gree abstain from anger and abstain from impatience. Why because gree will make you lose a lot anger will make you prone to difficulties impatience will make you fall down. If you are impatient you will definitely fall. Anyway . On the contrary waiting while silently accumulating our own strength and improving ourselves are our best choices in many situations especially at this moment. So what are we waiting for 1. Wait for the window of opportunity to arrive everyone knows this saying opportunities only come to those who are prepare. This sounds simple but very few people can do it.

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