Medical advertising 4 keys to keep in mind

Talking about advertising in medicine is always complicat. Like any other business, private clinics need to promote themselves to attract clients; But in the case of clinics, clients are patients and advertising must meet higher standards than those of any other company. Below, we explain the keys to ethical and effective medical advertising.

Keys to medical advertising
For some doctors, the concept of advertising sounds uncomfortable and even unprofessional. In the United States, advertising by health care providers and hospitals was illegal until 1977. A good example of the efforts that authorities put into preventing misleading advertising in the health sector.

However, as competition increases, advertising becomes a necessity. But in the case of such a delicate sector, it is advisable to be guided by the following ethical standards

Advertisement like this would be more ethical

Any claim made in a medical advertisement must be supported by data. For example, saying that a medical treatment. Eliminates stretch marks phone lists for sale completelyIt may sound attractive to the public, but it is very risky information. An advertisement like this would be more ethical:

Reduces stretch marks by 80%

Including a link that leads to the study or studies from which these figures are extract.

On the other hand, one of the most common errors in medical advertising is the indiscriminate use of the word specialist or expert. In legal terms, advertising yourself as a “specialist” in something requires a recognized certification.

Revealing patient information for promotional purposes is strictly prohibited. For example, a practical surgeon cannot use before and after photographs of a breast augmentation operation as a claim if he does not have the patient’s written consent.

What advertising actions do you carry out in your clinic

It is important that advertising does not create false expectations in the audience. This may come from the use of models or overly optimistic testimonials. Convincing real clinic patients to appear in your ads and including a disclaimer such as “results may vary” is always advisable.

Most professional medical societies establish marketing and advertising guidelines. Additionally, many associations offer legal advice as a benefit to members. It is advisable to consult with your association to find out the legal regulations regarding advertising.

Tell us in the comments, and if you don’t know where BO Leads to start promoting yourself, remember that the first step is to make a dental marketing plan.

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