ABG really the future of marketing

Lab’s winning account based growth Is ABG really the future of marketing? Webinar “From ABM to Account Based Growth” From past to present: the history of ABG To talk about Account Based Growth, we must start from an assumption: some customers are more important than others. This is demonstrated by a widely tested empirical trend, that 80% of revenue comes from 20% of customers. Following this assumption, marketing efforts should focus on the accounts with the greatest growth potential. It is the so-called 80/20 principle (80/20 principle or Pareto principle) on which the concept of ABG is based . At the origin of the ABG: the Pareto

According to the Italian economist Vilfredo

principle Account Based Growth has ancient origins. According to the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto (who lived between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century) 80% of wealth is owned by 20% of the population and this proportion is valid everywhere and in any historical period. The principle became known to the general public in the early 1950s, when engineer and manager Joseph Ruran applied it in industrial quality control processes. Introduced  B2b Leads   to Japan in the 1970s, the Pareto principle transformed Japanese industry into a real powerhouse. In 1997 the entrepreneur and economist Robert Koch, author of the text The 80/20 principle: The secret to achieving more with less , translated it into an

how the majority of outputs or results were generated by

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industrial context and showed how the majority of outputs or results were generated by a minority of inputs or causes. The Pareto principle applied to marketing In marketing, the 80/20 principle suggests that growth and success come from a relatively small circle of customers . Hence the importance of focusing on key accounts to increase success with customers and see your company grow. Today, ABG is a fundamental strategy for businesses that wish to maximize the value of specific target accounts. In order to  BO Leads  establish solid and long-lasting relationships with them. The first phase of an account-based growth approach is to identify key accounts , i.e. those with the greatest growth potential. From here marketing and sales, aligned, proceed with

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