Above the Fold What is It fold Important

Above the fold is a term related to website design, although it comes from a time when computers and the Internet were not yet heard of. Its importance has changed over the years, but it still influences conversion rates, session times and user engagement. Check what Above the fold is and how to use this issue in practice!

Above the fold literally means “above the fold”. Interestingly, the expression appeared long before the development of the digital world. When printing houses published newspapers on large sheets of paper, it was difficult to arrange them on a stand, so they folded them in half.

Publishers quickly realized that in order to attract the attention of passers-by and encourage them to buy newspapers, they had to place the most important and interesting information above the fold line.

Above the fold what is it

On a website, the “bend” is simply the bottom of the screen. Above the Whatsapp Data fold is the part of the page that is visible in its entirety after loading, without scrolling down.

This is what the SEMrush website looks like for the bend.

Why exactly is this particular section of the page highlighted? For the same reason that publishers once took special care of the upper part of the newspaper – to interest the recipients and encourage them to continue browsing.

Why is Above the fold important

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In the case of the press, it was about sales, while in the case of the BO Leads website, the main goal is to extend the session and generate conversions.

In the early days of the Internet, the quality of many websites was questionable, especially from a UX perspective . When designing, the focus was not on intuitiveness and transparency.

This resulted in, among others, clunky scrollbars. This, in turn, resulted in a reluctance to scroll, which caused users to spend as much as 80% of their session time in the Above the fold section (Nielsen Norman Group). Therefore, website owners had to prioritize space over the “fold” and cram all important content and elements into it.

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