Benefits of ICTs in the health sector

Information and communication technologies, popularly known as ICTs, are the set of tools us for the transmission, processing and digital storage of information. The Internet and mobile telephony are surely the greatest exponent of ICTs, a true technological revolution that can be felt in all areas, including healthcare. On this occasion we review the main benefits of ICTs in health .

Benefits of ICTs in the health sector
Digitization of health records
The move from paper to computer records represent a great advance in the management of information as sensitive as medical history. Entering data into a computer system is much less time-consuming than paper-based methods. It also reduces the risk of errors in patient data. Additionally, access to digitiz health records is instant and can be done through portable devices, increasing efficiency and productivity.

Main benefits of ICTs in Health

Registration in the Official College of Physicians: you must request registration in the aforementioned organization of the province where you are going to open your telemarketing list providers medical office. To do this, you must present the original and a copy of the title that certifies your status, an original and a copy of your ID, your bank account details, two color passport-sized photographs, a specialist title and the payment of a fee. input.

However, each Community requires different types of documents, so we recommend that you find out about the documentation required in your region.

You have already delivered and verified the documentation required in the previous step and now you must move on to the next phase, which is to register in the RETA or in Mutual Médica.
Whether you choose one route or another will depend on your criteria when assessing which is the best option for your interests.

EYE! If you decide to contribute through the RETA, you will not be able to unsubscribe to continue working with a mutual insurance company, but otherwise you would have the possibility of changing.

Registration in the Special Registry of Self Employ

Register with the Treasury: tax obligations are calling for you and, therefore, you must inform that you are going to open a medical office in the Treasury office that corresponds to you by completing forms 036 and 037.
Health Registration at the Regional Ministry of Health and Health Services: you must request authorization for installation and operation at the Town Hall of the municipality where you are going to open your business. As in point 1, there are different criteria between the different regions because each of the Autonomous Communities has exclusive competence in the health field.
Registration with the data protection agency: today, society is very aware and sensitized when it comes to managing the processing of their data. Therefore, it is necessary that you fill out a form through the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
Medical office equipment
Another important step when taking the step of working in your own center is equipping it with the necessary materials and equipment to provide a correct service to your patients.

Within the essential medical office equipment, we can find the BO Leads stethoscope, a blood pressure monitor, a spirometer, a scale and an electrocardiograph, an emergency kit, a glucometer, gynecological forceps, an inhaler, an eye chart for children, an oxygen bag, a laryngeal mirror and a stopwatch.

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