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Contacts on professional networking sites like LinkedIn.
Professional contacts can be very useful, and whitelisting the emails they send will ensure you don’t miss out on business partnerships, job offers, or other important messages.

Colleagues, friends, family, etc.
My close colleagues and family are important people in my life, so I never miss an email to them. In this case, it makes sense to add the email address to the whitelist.

If you’re a team that runs an online sales platform that communicates with vendors, partners, or suppliers, adding them to your whitelist can help prevent messages from being sent to the wrong folder.

Your own domain name.
Your company’s domain name must be included in the whitelist. Emails received under your domain name represent important business correspondence and should be treated accordingly.

phone number lists

Email sent from service provider.
This includes messages from utility providers such as electricity phone number lists and water, as well as internet service providers. Add these emails to your whitelist so you don’t miss important updates and bills.

How to whitelist an email address?( Image source )

The process for adding an email address to the whitelist depends on the type of email service you are using. Here are some steps to follow for these popular services:

Click the gear icon to open Settings in Outlook.
Select Mail from the menu.
In the submenu, click Junk Email.
Select the Safe Senders and Domains tab, then click Add.
Enter the required email address or domain name.

A trusted partner or supplier for your business

Phone namber list

Name the filter and then enter the required email address or domain name.
You can BO Leads choose a folder to receive messages from the email address or domain you specify, or you can leave them alone and have the emails go to your inbox.
Click Save to finish.
Apple Mail
Open the Mail app on your Apple device.
Go to the Inbox screen.
Select the Junk folder.
Find the email or email domain you want to whitelist, then swipe left to see the options.
With your email address selected, click or tap More.
Click or tap Show.
Click or tap the Mark as Not Junk button to add the email address to the whitelist.
By following these steps, you can easily whitelist your email address to ensure that your email not only reaches its intended recipients, but also gets priority over other messages marked as spam. This will help protect your email from being sent to spam and prevent you from missing important messages.

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