How to become a physiotherapist Steps Requirements

Physiotherapy has become one of the most promising outlets in the health and well-being sector. And the demand for these professionals has not stopped increasing in recent years. If you want to know how to be a physiotherapist , in this post we tell you the steps to turn your vocation into your profession.

How to be a physiotherapist
To work as a physiotherapist you need to have a degree in Physiotherapy, a four-year university degree. In Spain, the training offer to be a physiotherapist is very broad, with no less than 88 Physiotherapy degrees offered throughout the country, of which 37 are taught in public centers, and 51 in private centers.

promotion and places for disabled people

According to the annual ranking offered by El Mundo, the best universities to study physiotherapy are the following:

University of La Coruña
Alcala de Henares
University of Valencia
Castilla la Mancha
Complutense of Madrid
The choice depends on the cut-off grade and your telephone list financial possibilities, although there are no major differences in the cost of tuition between these 5 universities.

It is also possible to study online although obviously the practices are carried out in person. The best-known universities that offer these distance physiotherapy studies are:

UNED National University of Distance Studies
Francisco de Vitoria University
European University
Saint George University
Once you get your physical therapy degree, you have several options.

How to open your physiotherapy center

Specialize by doing a postgraduate degree in some branch of physiotherapy, such as sports physiotherapy.
Search for a job
Opposite: The physiotherapy opposition places are divided into open access places, places for internal
Open your own physiotherapy practice

If your chosen option is to open a physiotherapy clinic, we recommend that you read our post on how to set up a physiotherapy clinic . In addition to the obvious requirements premises, equipment you have to think about other things, such as having a physiotherapy clinic management program .

Finally, how much can you expect to earn as a physiotherapist in Spain? According to statistics, a recently graduated Physiotherapist earns around 1,300 euros gross per month. That is in the case of employed physiotherapists. As for freelancers, generally prices are BO Leads between 25 and 35 euros per session, speaking of sessions lasting between 45 and 60 minutes. Of course, these are variable margins and your final income will depend on many factors.

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