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The main thing is that the goals of the company are achieved. We conducted a survey of employees and found out what inspires them. Values ​​were formed not from the outside but from the inside and several key ones were identified: icon 1 Pleasure. We love delicious food good wine music and the company of friends. We are all a bit of an aesthete. In particular the pleasure from work is important for us. icon 2 Development. We can grow both vertically and horizontally. Someone wants to become a leader and someone wants to be the best specialist in their field. The main thing is not to stand still. icon 3 Freedom. You are responsible for your actions for your work and loved ones.

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We do not control subordinates therefore free and responsible. People work for us icon 4 Pride. We love what we do. We feed people delicious and healthy food and make. The world a little kinder every day. icon 5 Horizon. Life is not limited to work. We watch Germany Business Email List movies read books write music play sports travel. Food and wine are an element of culture for us. It is as important as architecture or design. CASE HOW TO MAKE EMPLOYEES HAPPY WITHOUT A PAY GROWTH Enter your email GET Do staff need to be motivate If a person does not want to work at all motivation will not help. However when an employee stays in one position for a long time the work turns into a routine. If subordinates say that they are bor or difficult the manager communicates with them I talk and we are looking for alternatives within the company.

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We have a practice – each person can study the work of any unit. This internship can last for several days. You can learn about the department from the inside but this does not oblige you to immediately change the scope. If there is a vacancy you will BO Leads be ahead of other candidates. Recruitment and onboarding processes at Good Wine 1 We have a horizontal structure employees develop within the framework of the position. There may not be many senior salespeople in a store or department but each of them takes on a specific direction. Case: Examples of unusual organizational structures Enter your email GET You can become an expert in one category when you do what you love.

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