New provisions have been introduced on mandatory

The impact of the web : the index uses social. Economic and political indicators to evaluate the impact of the web on these dimensions. This includes measures of social networking. Internet business use and e-participation.A dynamic and demanding market New provisions have been introduced on mandatoryThe online sale of clothing. Fashion accessories and everything fashionable requires a website created with care and attention to the smallest detail. Graphics. Image quality. Usability of the website

More effective animated communication

More effective animated communication on the home.Very light intervention to refine some graphic details. The integration and  new provisions have been. Introduced on mandatory improvement of social networking functions.The introduction of new forms of promoting commercial .Information to customers.With the hope that these .Small interventions will make consulting our site even .Easier and more latest database  intuitive.We will immediately return to working on yours!

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Created by the world wide web foundation

Created by the world wide web foundation. It is the first global multi-dimensional index of the web to measure its growth. Usefulness and impact on people and nations. The assessment New provisions have been introduced on mandatory  examines 61 BO Leads  developed and developing countries. And incorporates indicators that assess the political. Economic and social impact of the web. Are key elements of online business.   In a highly competitive and dynamic market. It is necessary to act proactively. Taking care of marketing strategies and the relationship with the customer .

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