Provide practical advice

These topics are only of interest to Provide practical  people who are familiar. With Russell, so if you’re planning a show like this, it’s important to have an existing audience. For example, a random person who doesn’t know who Russell Brunson is probably not going to care about what he learned at the airport in Amsterdam. Many of the On Purpose episodes are structured in a similar format with host Jay Shetty talking about advice on relationships, happiness, finding purpose, and more.

Establish Provide practical a routine

The majority of today’s podcasts consist of top industry data  interviews. This format works well because it’s free to the guest audience and provides listeners with fascinating new insights. Podcasts like the Tim Ferriss Show and the JoeRogan Experience are structured in this format, and it works very well. Although you may not be able to find the caliber of their guests, you can probably connect with mainstream industry influencers in your niche. The topics for the podcasts you generate are usually based on the expertise of your guests, so do your research beforehand.

top industry data

Curate great content

Interviewing other experts is a great way to leverage Bo Leads  their authority and audience to, build your channel. However, if you don’t currently have an audience, it can be difficult to get your first few high-level guests. Nevertheless, it is not impossible. The best way to start is by leveraging your personal connections. For example, Eric Siu grew his Level Up podcast from zero to over 2 million downloads per month. Many of the early episodes were from relationships he already had. Another great way to get experts is to interview people at conferences. You can connect with them directly and ask to set up a time. If you don’t have a personal connection.

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