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Publish original research

Original research is great for two things: backlinks and thought leadership. Backlinks are links to your site from other sites. They are important because they help you rank in Google (one of the key ranking factors). Original research, such as data studies, case studies, industry surveys, etc., attracts backlinks because other authors use them as … Read morePublish original research

B2B SaaS Marketing The Ahrefs Guide

What sets B2B SaaS marketing apart from its B2C counterpart is the length of the buyer’s journey. A buyer’s journey consists of the steps that a customer takes in order to purchase a product or a service. It’s everything from discovering the brand to comparing with competitors, checking the pricing page, chatting with sales, and … Read moreB2B SaaS Marketing The Ahrefs Guide

SEO Monitoring Explained Best Free Tools to Get Started

Technical SEO issues refer to possible problems Google may have with finding, crawling, indexing, and understanding your site. Monitoring for technical issues matters because it allows you to find and fix errors that can hurt your rankings. NOTE Some issues can have a bigger impact than others (especially these nine issues). Your site may have … Read moreSEO Monitoring Explained Best Free Tools to Get Started

Product Industry Email Database Unleash Potential

It’s very Product Industry simple, just make sure they are: Specific : Instead of thinking about vague and abstract ideas, generate concrete and clear objectives in mind. This will make your job much easier. Measurable – You can’t achieve a goal without tracking it closely, so make sure it’s possible to measure your progress toward … Read moreProduct Industry Email Database Unleash Potential

Email Marketing Solutions for the Product Industry

Therefore, the Email Marketing emphasis on the role of the marketer is evident, which leads to him being an essential character in all companies, regardless of their field. But, ultimately, what is the ideal profile? The new market situation, of extreme competition and dominated by a series of demands in terms of quality and efficiency … Read moreEmail Marketing Solutions for the Product Industry

Product Industry Email Lists for Market Dominance

As we have Product Industry already clarified in this article, email marketing and automation tools play a great role in the Inbound Marketing process. The best tools for these two types of actions are. HubSpot One of the world’s leading marketing automation systems, it contains all the tools you need, from the beginning to the … Read moreProduct Industry Email Lists for Market Dominance

LaLiga revives Luis Aragonés thanks to technology in this emotional campaign

Luis Aragonés , the late football player and coach of Atlético de Madrid and the European Champion national team, is the protagonist of the new and emotional LaLiga campaign “Something to say” , where the coach prepares the players for the match most important of all: their lives. In the words of LaLiga: «We want … Read moreLaLiga revives Luis Aragonés thanks to technology in this emotional campaign

Beintoo offers clues for advertising investments in the face of a hectic winter

Beintoo , the data driven company belonging to the Mediaset Group, publishes trends and insights for digital advertising investments with data driven for the last quarter of 2022. Captured in a paper , it offers information on trends and main insights . Thanks to the extensive analysis of the 25 million pieces of data constantly … Read moreBeintoo offers clues for advertising investments in the face of a hectic winter

The ProfitlogiQ Spain agency is born to help brands and sellers grow

ProfitlogiQ , a leading company in the Latin American market and which is currently “Advance Partner of Amazon Advertising”, opens operations in Spain with eThink, as a strategic partner. The objective of this alliance is to improve customer sales in the most used market places throughout Europe. After 3 years of experience of ProfitlogiQ in … Read moreThe ProfitlogiQ Spain agency is born to help brands and sellers grow