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Find out what is wrong with your company and deal with the causes of dissatisfaction. This is the first step in building a customer experience management system. Buyers will best tell you about pain points in interaction with your business. How do employees influence customer acquisition Maxim Mozgovoy tells how to instill a customer orientation in employees: “It is difficult to find people who will be customer-oriented on their own. It is the task of HR to train and involve employees. If the staff is not interested in the consumer you can ruin any undertakings in this direction. It all depends on the business owners. Even in a small business the owners can set up the team to disregard the client.

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Customer loyalty: 3 main components 11 When it is important for the authorities to ensure first of all commercial results the goal arises – to sell the product at any cost. Management will project this culture onto subordinates everyone will adjust to Fax Lists the requirements of top management. Employees will squeeze the maximum out of the buyer. In a small business people are close to the consumer and this provides advantages. You can improve communication and get loyal customers. In large companies 10% of employees cross paths with customers.

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The rest do not know how to transform their customer focus make products or processes more convenient. Customer loyalty: 3 main components 12 Front office staff can be as kind as they like but the quality of goods and services will remain poor. The Japanese methodology lean means lean manufacturing. The authors of this BO Leads philosophy believe that employees need to visit their offices use their own products stand in lines take a loan from their bank. Then you immediately understand what is wrong with the product. There is the concept of “gemba” – an employee goes to work as a client.

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