How to sell products and services online? – generation of contacts of potential clients

In the first part of the series “How to sell products and services online” I touched on the first step you have to take to generate. Therefore, income on the internet : attract traffic. I talked about two different types: the first oriented towards. Therefore, branding and the second focused on conversion. Between these two phases there is a very important one. The generation and activation of contacts .

Generate contacts continuously and on time How to sell products

How to sell products  Generate contacts continuously and on time Lead generation top industry data has to be a continuous task within the marketing of any business. It doesn’t matter. Therefore, if you have a blog, online store, start-up or whatever. There is no excuse not to do it. Most are looking for techniques to generate. Therefore, contacts on a massive scale. They exist but in general they are of low quality and require on average more investment of time to generate sales.

Activation of contacts to become the final candidate contacts of potential clients

Activation of contacts to become the final candidate Most users do not BO Leads decide immediately because they do not have all the information to choose an option. Fear consists of not getting it right because you have gone too fast. In the time frame we have, we have to be able to activate a contact . The planets have to align for three things to happen We have achieved the trust of the potential client. 

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