Main brand positioning mistakes that you should avoid

That we have the ability to extract learning from our mistakes does not mean that we have to make a lot of mistakes to learn more; Nothing of that! In this post we will show you that by reducing brand positioning errors, we learn much more than by making them. Many times we start a branding campaign with all our energy wanting to take on the world, it is normal. After all the Internet gives us a practically unlimited amount of audience, with all those people it is very easy to sell. This is where we make one of the biggest mistakes in brand positioning.

What is brand positioning

Brand positioning consists of placing the logo. That is, the Email Database visual identity of our brand. In the memory of our customers, and emerging right at the moment of the purchase decision . Said in a much more poetic way by Kotler. Positioning consists of designing the commercial offer in such a way that it occupies a precious place in the minds of consumers.” If you want to know more. In this Brand Positioning Guide you will find all the necessary information to reference you on the subject.

Why is brand positioning so important

Because being remembered increases sales . When we BO Laeds talk about branding we are not simply talking about being seen, but about lasting in memory, creating a memorable fact. Event or experience involving our brand so that its mere memory becomes a trigger for positive emotions and sensations. While it is true that they are common mistakes. It is also true that most people who make them are beginners. 

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