The Article Step By Step scrum

I’m trying to minimize the size of the problems. I’m not afraid to ask for help. I maintain contacts with leading experts on various topics in different countries. To find the optimal solution I am looking for answers from several experts. Rules for working on yourself. Yuri Shilyaev How to plan things When I was a manager the day consiste of meetings and small tasks. I use for example the Things application and now I use it but the approach has change. In Things I poste plans for the next day.

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Now I have – big goals for the week and I maintain focus. For example today you nee to write a task for developers – it makes no sense to enter it into the tracker. The second tool is the calendar. Meetings sports business trips are marke there. In the Malaysia Business Email List calendar I indicate only time-limite cases. Rules for working on yourself. How to manage a family budget How to find work-life balance I have a certain responsibility to my family and children. We do not have a nanny part of the obligations lies with me – I allocate time for love ones. Now I have a new hobby at work – YouTube.

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Periodically I am distracte at home by comments and think about business. What rules to follow every day I have breakfast and dinner daily with my family. This is a tradition that has develope over the years. In the evenings I put the children to be – also a must. Rules for working on yourself. What to do if things don’t go according to plan If the goal is BO Leads not achieve I try to reformulate it and go the other way bypassing it. Sometimes this takes time. I understood the dynamics of the changing world and realize that it is important to achieve goals faster than others. You also nee to improve yourself.

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