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Oksana Kulikova talks about how companies build relationships with customers how employees influence a brand and how to build a brand strategy. How to build a brand strategy. 0 Components of a successful brand icon Identity – choose a name and slogan develop a logo and brand visualization. icon Purpose – determine what role the brand will play in the life of the consumer what tasks it will solve. icon Unique Benefits – A brand should have functional and emotional characteristics that set it apart from its competitors. The brand must solve the problem of the consumer better than others or in a non-standard way.

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Icon Company positioning – determine what associations the brand should evoke what the consumer will say about you. icon Key message and communication campaigns – choose the style and channels of communication. Case Examples of famous BO Leads company slogans Enter your email GET How to win customer loyalty and build long-term relationships In a global sense the brand should improve the life of the consumer. Companies nee to make a quality product or provide a quality service and keep their promises. It is important to understand the nees of the client to hear him to respond to feeback. How to build a brand strategy.

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There are no perfect companies – admit mistakes and quickly solve problems. We learn and grow from mistakes. Offer a unique product or service – innovation has not yet reache all areas of life. A product that finds a customer’s unsolve problem will BO Leads be a breakthrough. How to build a brand strategy. Nobody cancele emotions and personalization. Now it is impossible to communicate with people facelessly. You nee to know the customer their purchase history and communicate like you would with a friend. How to build a brand strategy. Henry Ford I chose the following slogan If someone refuses my car I know that I myself am to blame. From the day the first car appeare on the street I was sure of its necessity.

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