Your instinct would probably be to create

You nee to know what words your blog and products target. For some keywords. This is obvious. You wouldn’t create a product page for “how to brew cold brew coffee” because that wouldn’t make sense. Searchers want to know how to make cold brew coffee. Not buy brewing equipment. But what about keywords like “manual burr coffee grinder”? Should you use a blog post. Or display a page listing the grinder products you sell? Example of shopping mall site category page given that your goal is probably to sell more coffee grinders. Your instinct would probably be to create a category page that contains all the coffee grinders you want to sell. In fact. This is the wrong move because this kind of content does not match what the searcher wants to see.

You should create the same

 Which is the search intent . How do we know? If you Korea Telegram Number Data look at the top-ranking pages for this keyword in google. They are all blog posts about the best coffee grinders. Google understands user intent better than anyone. So top results for keywords usually mean they better satisfy the user’s search intent. If you want to have the highest chance of ranking.  type of content as your top-ranking pages. You can view the top results in keywords explorer by clicking on the serp drop-down button. Serp overview of coffee grinder in ahrefs keywords explorer from here. You can analyze what we call the 3cs of search intent to understand how to best target keywords: content type content format content angle 1.

Content angle the content

 Content type content types typically fall into Russia Telegram Number one of five categories: blog. Product. Category. Landing page. Or video. 2. Content format the content format is mainly suitable for “Informational” content. Typical examples are how-tos. Checklists. News articles. Reviews. Etc. 3. angle is the main selling point of your content. For example. People who search for “How to make latte” seem to want to know how to do it without a machine or any special equipment. You just nee to know to align your content with the searcher’s expectations. But you don’t necessarily have to jump on the bandwagon or let the searcher get stuck in a bubble of expectation.


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