60 SEO Strategies: Web Positioning Techniques and Actions on Google

60 SEO Strategies: Web Positioning Techniques and Actions on Google. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a world full of strategies . Web positioning in search engines is a challenge for those companies and businesses that want to position themselves on the first pages of Google organically. Or, in other words, how to position yourself on Google without making ads. And below we are going to tell you the best SEO strategies according to the experts. Get ready to take note of all the SEO strategies and techniques to position websites with SEO told by the experts that you can put into practice in your projects. You can also take a look at our In-Person SEO Course in Madrid and our Online SEO Course .

Space Gem: SEO Analysis of the Details

Space Gem: SEO Analysis of the Details. Google communicates with us through the Google Search Console . And we not only have to know how to measure, but also interpret the data we obtain. Furthermore, to decide judiciously what actions to take to improve your SEO , you must focus on analyzing and interpreting the details, with common sense and in depth. We cannot stay on the superficial, because there can be the difference to improve your performance. The best SEO consultants are Google Analytics and Google Search Console tools. But how to analyze in detail the keywords email database  that attract traffic? How do the landing pages respond? How does external linking help us or why are we interested in being specific? We find the answer to all these questions throughout Javier’s presentation.

How to know which keywords attract traffic

How to know which keywords attract traffic. The Google Search Console performance report shows a table with the keywords that generate clicks and impressions. In addition, it also shows the CTR and the percentage of people who click. This will help us decide which keywords to attack. In fact, we can look at the keywords that already bring traffic and order them in columns of impressions, from highest to lowest. The impressions of each keyword are equivalent to the number of searches it has. Now, watch. Among those with the highest BO Leads number of impressions, which ones are below the top 3? These lower positions are those that can be improved and, therefore, they are the ones that we have to attack.

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