What is ROI in Digital Marketing: How to calculate and improve it

What is ROI in Digital Marketing: How to calculate and improve it. Knowing the profitability of an investment is essential in Marketing. To calculate it, the most widespread formula is ROI ( Return On Investment ), which allows us to know whether the campaign we have carried out has had a positive or negative economic return for the company.

Why is it important to know the Return on Investment

Why is it important to know the Return on Investment. The main objective of both Offline and Online Marketing is to generate sales . Because of this, knowing the return obtained by each euro invested in a campaign becomes essential. The first reason why ROI is important is because it allows us to know if a campaign, in economic terms, has been successful or not . Also knowing the return of a campaign top people data helps us plan the steps to take in the future. In this way, campaigns that have had a negative return will be eliminated, improved or replaced by those that do work in the planning.

Important elements to calculate ROI

Important elements to calculate ROI. Knowing the objective of the campaign to be carried out is essential, since it directly affects the rest of the elements necessary to calculate the ROI. Additionally, you must make up your mind before running the campaign . The main objectives are: Economic transaction: companies can create campaigns aimed at selling their products or services. This would be the simplest case and the most used within the business environment. Leads : with this type of campaign, companies seek to get users to do a BO Leads certain action on the website, such as filling out a form. The difference with the previous objective is that it does not have monetary value at the moment, although it may have it in the short or medium term.

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