How to open a medical office in a few steps

One of the alternative paths if you have graduated in Medicine is to undertake to offer your services autonomously in a clinic that bears your name and thus recognizes your great achievements. To do this, it will be essential to discover step by step how to open a medical office on your own so that … Read moreHow to open a medical office in a few steps

KPIs in health sector marketing

Doctors can tell if a treatment is working for a patient based on various health indicators. Likewise, there are indicators that can tell the health professional what the status of their clinic is. In this post we talk about the main KPIs in the health sector. What is a KPI? KPI stands for Key Performance … Read moreKPIs in health sector marketing

The importance of clinical history in Medicine

Article 3 of Law 41/2002 on Patient Autonomy defines the clinical history as the set of documents that contain data, assessments and information of any kind about the situation and clinical evolution of a patient throughout the care process. In this post we review the importance of clinical history in the world of medicine . … Read moreThe importance of clinical history in Medicine

How to overcome fear of the dentist tips for odontophobia

One of the great concerns of those who need to go to the dentist is knowing how to overcome the fear that many patients have of sitting in the dreaded chair at the dental clinic. Don’t worry about it, it is something very widespread: in the United Kingdom, one in four people fears visiting the … Read moreHow to overcome fear of the dentist tips for odontophobia

Keys to managing your dental clinic

Managing a dental clinic requires time and knowledge to guarantee that the activities related to this area have the expected success. Dental clinic management is essential in the administration of your dental clinic since its economic viability will depend on it. Below, we offer you a series of guidelines so that the management of your … Read moreKeys to managing your dental clinic

Advantages of video calling in medical consultation

Nowadays, in a world as digitalized as the one we live in, traditional procedures that seemed immutable seem to be beginning to be simplified through the facilities that the cyber world brings us. That is why today we are going to discuss the topic of medical video consultation and the advantages of video calls in … Read moreAdvantages of video calling in medical consultation

5 advantages of using management software for beauty centers

Are you thinking about how to optimize the management of your aesthetic clinic? Surely the use of a management computer program is one of the solutions you have on the table. If so, perhaps this post will help you decide, as we are going to list the main advantages of having management software for beauty … Read more5 advantages of using management software for beauty centers

Dental applications for patients and dentists

Nowadays no one leaves home without their cell phone in their pocket. Smartphones are an essential element of our lives and the countless. Apps available have turned them into a kind of virtual advisors. There are apps for exercising, for listening to music, for organizing your daily life. And of course also apps related to … Read moreDental applications for patients and dentists

How to manage stock with cloud based medical software

One of the procedures most hated by medical professionals is the control of stock in the medical center. With the use of a clinic management computer program, the work of stock control will be much simpler and more comfortable. In this post, we will address the way that Clinic Cloud offers to perform optimal stock … Read moreHow to manage stock with cloud based medical software

How to become a physiotherapist Steps Requirements

Physiotherapy has become one of the most promising outlets in the health and well-being sector. And the demand for these professionals has not stopped increasing in recent years. If you want to know how to be a physiotherapist , in this post we tell you the steps to turn your vocation into your profession. How … Read moreHow to become a physiotherapist Steps Requirements

Product Industry Email Database Unleash Potential

It’s very Product Industry simple, just make sure they are: Specific : Instead of thinking about vague and abstract ideas, generate concrete and clear objectives in mind. This will make your job much easier. Measurable – You can’t achieve a goal without tracking it closely, so make sure it’s possible to measure your progress toward … Read moreProduct Industry Email Database Unleash Potential

Email Marketing Solutions for the Product Industry

Therefore, the Email Marketing emphasis on the role of the marketer is evident, which leads to him being an essential character in all companies, regardless of their field. But, ultimately, what is the ideal profile? The new market situation, of extreme competition and dominated by a series of demands in terms of quality and efficiency … Read moreEmail Marketing Solutions for the Product Industry